References on Science of Yoga


1. A video on the Science of Yoga by NIH


Research Centres

1. sVyasa

2. Yoga Vidya Dham



Classic Texts

1. Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

2. Hatha Yoga Pradipika of Svatmarama



Recent Books

1. A Handbook for Yogasana Teachers by Mel Robin

2. Yoga as Medicine by Timothy McCall

3. Yinsights by Bernie Clark

4. Measuring the Immeasurable by D.Goleman

5. Original Yoga by R. Rosen



Non-Technical Articles

 1. Practicing Safe Yoga -- 5 Tips to Avoid Injuries by Eva Norlyk Smith

 2. Health Benefits of Yoga by Chrys Kub

 3. Scientific Basis of Yoga by T. McCall

 4. NCCAM fact sheet on Yoga

 5. Healing Benefits of Yoga (lower back pain) by F. Busch 

 6. Yoga Can Stabilize Blood Sugar in Diabetes Patients by Jennifer Van Pelt

 7. Yoga for Athletes



Research Papers


1. Understanding and Preventing Yoga Injuries by L. Fishman et. al.

2. The Health Benefits of Yoga and Exercise: A Review of Comparison Studies by A. Ross and S. Thomas.

3. Frequency of Yoga Practice Predicts Health by A. Ross et. al.




1. Yoga for Persistent Pain by A. Wren

2. Yoga clinical research review by Tiffany Field

3. Yoga, a therapeutic approach by N. Nayak and K. Shankar

4. A Review of Yoga Programs for Four Leading Risk Factors of Chronic Diseases by K.Yang

5. Efficacy and application of Yoga for back pain by L. Fishman and K. Georgi

6. Yoga for Chronic Low Back Pain by E. Groessl

7. Effect of a yoga intervention on hypertensive diabetic patients by N. Shantakumari et. al.

8. Role of Yoga in Preventing and Controlling Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus by M. Sharma and A. Knowlden

9. Effects of Pranayama in Hypertensive Patients, by A. Bhavananai, et. al.

10. Yoga Therapy for the Management of Common Neck Pain, by B. Yogitha and J. Ebnezar

11. Effect of Yoga in Women with Primary Dysmenorrhea, by Z. Rakhshaee

12. Yoga Nidra as a treatment in patients with menstrual disorder, by K. Rani


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